from only $699

Selling a car can be an arduous task. How do you know what it is worth? How do you ensure it stands out from the crowd? And how do you stop the time wasters? You can always organise a part exchange right? But then the dealer will likely low-ball you, as they need to make profit too. 

So why not pocket that profit and opt for our Sellers Package. It takes the leg work and the elbow grease out of the equation, from a meticulous detail, inside and out, to quality photos or video. We’ll advise you on current market pricing and ways to maximise the return. We’ll suggest the right platforms on which to advertise and write meaningful copy that provides enough information to motivate buyers. 

We love the cars we work on, but love our customers more, so ensuring their pride and joy heads off to a new home at the right price is a service too good to pass up. 

what's included?

Well crafted photos or video

Research & copy writing

Ensure your pride and joy looks and smells great so a buyer can envision themselves in the driver’s seat of your car, not the competitions.

The service includes a meticulous detail, inside and out. We’ll advise you whether paint restoration is necessary, or whether it’s better to rejuvenate the wheels. So go find that second set of keys and that parcel shelf discarded long ago and let’s get started.

Black BMW parked on the side of the road

We’ll discover what the market will pay, who your competitors are, and point out areas that may need some attention (we’re looking at you curb rash.)

We’ll then write an effective advert to save time for you and, more importantly, for your buyer.

We want to make it easy for them to do business with you, so they buy your car quickly, efficiently and at the right price.

Silver Bentley

There is never a better time to photograph a car than when it has just been detailed.

We’ll search for suitable locations nearby to take well crafted photos and advise on the right platforms on which to post them so your car stands out from the crowd.

Or choose to shoot a review video using YouTube so the whole world can bask in its glory

Effective and informative market research and copywriting services

Seller's package price list

Case Study

Not everyone loves cars as much as we do, but Darren knew the buyer of his vehicle probably would. Choosing the Restore & Protect package brought his X5 back to almost showroom condition. 

All it needed was a stunning backdrop to accentuate its curves. Cue Sydney Harbour and an hour’s photo shoot. Before heading back to construct a well written and informative advertisement. 

Armed with our comprehensive and timely research, Darren was confident his asking price was fair. And that any buyer would revel in his car’s condition. 

Ultimately he accepted an offer far in excess of what the dealer proposed and is now on the hunt for his next ride. 

The Seller's Package Photo shoot
The Seller's Package including Restore & Protect
Sellers package
Silver car parked

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Seller's Package include a full detail?

Every client who chooses the Seller’s Package gets a Squeaky Clean detail. If a machine polish is deemed necessary, we’ll advise whether it’s in your interests to purchase the Restore & Protect package

We will take as many photos as possible and share them with you. Our aim is show a prospective buyer as much of the car as we can. 

Stand out from the crowd and consider a video review of your car,. We point out its options and overall condition, share technical information and take it for a drive. Using the YouTube platform, we share the links to add to the advert copy so that a buyer can truly immerse themselves in your car.

Unfortunately not. The used car market is a fickle beast, but by ensuring the basics are covered and the buyer feels informed we can help you sell your car quicker and at the right price. 

We’ll search the market for similar vehicles; in age, condition and kms driven. We’ll check what dealers would offer and what private sellers are looking for and marry that to your circumstances. At times, it may be in your best interests to wait, or even use an auction house.

Maximise Your Return

Let us walk you through the sales process, ensuring your car stands out for all the right reasons